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Ascension Gateway> Spiritual Articles> New Age> Lunascope


By Rebekah Shaman

The Aries Full Moon heralds new beginnings and an opportunity to let go of the old. It’s a fire sign so be ready to find plenty of energy available. This is a time to get motivated and acknowledge your own personal power and unique gifts and skills. Tap into the fiery, spontaneous energy of Aries and initiate ideas and visions.
The last two weeks have been about relationships, and how can we meet our individual needs while honouring the needs of others. Now the new moon of Libra has passed, and with it the need to pacify and maintain the peace. For some of you, things may have been turbulent as the need to speak truth and release stagnant, bottled up feelings rises during this moon. Whatever is happening in your relationships right now, there may be an urge to shake off the chains of oppression, become assertive and free yourself from whatever is preventing you from manifesting your dreams.

Be impulsive, spontaneous, bold and courageous. The more you are prepared to face the unknown, the more you will be able to manifest. Don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe in even if it means being argumentative. This is the time to say what is on your mind and use the 'me' energy of Aries to initiate change in both your working and personal lives.

Don’t get too stressed by what is out of your control. Just concentrate on what you can change in your own life. The masculine influence of Mars in Aries may make you feel impatient and frustrated at what is happening. To relieve the stress focus on action and completing the next step in whatever process it is you are manifesting. Keep the bigger picture in mind while achieving each simple task.
Mercury finally goes forward on Wednesday 15th October and by 21st October things will be back to normal. The three weeks of reviewing and reflecting is now over so use the forward energy of Mercury to re-ignite contracts and agreements, and make final decisions on projects and tasks. The emphasis is now on action, work and our place in the universal flow.

This wonderful full moon has come at a time when change is inevitable. Despite the apparent chaos in the external world, the assertive masculinity of Aries is perfectly placed to help us propel our visions forward into new potential futures and beginnings, based on the principles of cooperation, connection, hope and harmony. This is truly a moon to celebrate!!

Rebekah Shaman is the author of the the book "The Shaman's Last Apprentice", she also has a ethical and sustainable company called 'Hemp Global Solution'. The company aims to reinstate hemp as the number one crop on the planet and re-educate, lobby and promote the importance of this plant so that we can create a sustainable future for our children.

Rebekah's website is:www.rebekahshaman.com


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