Maathai Dr. Wangari Muta Maathai was born on the 1st of April, 1940. Dr.
Wangari Muta Maathai was born in Ihithe village, Tetu division, Nyeri District
of Kenya.
Published books by Wangari Maathai include "Unbowed: A Memoir"
, "The Greenbelt Movement: Sharing the Approach and the Experience"
and "The Canopy of Hope: My Life Campaigning for Africa, Women, and the
Ascension Gateway>
Famous Spiritual Quotes>
Wangari Maathai Quotes
- I know that, for many men
in this country, theyre very proud. And they associate themselves with what
the women have been doing.
Maathai Quote - Men
- Country
- Proud
- Women
Quotes - So,
I think that, at a certain level, when women are dealing too with real issues,
and when those issues are recognized, that there is no longer the gender bias.
Maathai Quote - Thinking
- Certain
- Women
- Real
- Recognizing
- I
know that this prize has given me a special responsibility as spokesperson, not
only here in Kenya, but in the whole of Africa.
Maathai Quote - Special
- Responsible
- Kenya
- Africa
Quotes - Well,
the first and most important thing has been to educate Africans about the disease,
so that they address it from a point of information.
Maathai Quote - Important
- Educational
- Africa
- Disease
- Information
Quotes - Im
sure that many people who are involved in an environmental effort
will be pretty much encouraged by this recognition.
Maathai Quote - People
- Environmental
- Encouraging
- Recognition
Quotes See
also: Famous
Women, Famous
Environmentalists, Famous
People Born in April Famous
Activists, Famous
Arians, Famous
Kenyans, Famous
Black Women Nobel
Peace Prize Winners, Famous
Politicians, Famous
Spiritual Guide>
Famous Inspirational
Quotes> Famous Wangari Maathai Quotes