Famous Quotes about Teaching
Collection of famous quotes about teaching by spiritual teachers and notable figures
from history. Teaching includes quotes about teachers, teach and teaches.
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Quotes> Subject>
Teaching Quotes - Everyone
and everything that shows up in the world of form in this universe originates
not from a particle, as quantum physics teaches us, but from an energy field.
Wayne Dyer
Quote - World
- Universe
- Quantum
Physics - Teaching
- Energy
Quotes - This
is indeed the traditional way in which witchcraft was spread and preserved, the
children of witch families were taught by their parents.
Gardner Quote - Traditional
- Witchcraft
- Preserved
- Child
- Witch
- Teaching
- Parent
Quotes - Since
my life as a prisoner has begun I have heard the teachings of the white man's
religion, and in many respects believe it to be better than the religion of my
Quote - Life
- Teaching
- Men
- Religion
- Respect
- Belief
Quotes - I
had a wonderful teacher about animal behavior - my dog Rusty. He taught me that
animals have personalities, minds, and feelings.
Jane Goodall Quote - Wonderful
- Teaching
- Animal
- Behavior
- Mind
Quotes - One
of my goals is to inspire people to be all that they can be and, hopefully, be
a good example and teach some useful, interesting principles.
Victor Hansen Quote - Goals
- Inspiring
- People
- Hopeful
- Teaching
Quotes - The
Chinese government knows that what I am teaching is good and that I am teaching
people to have high moral values.
Hongzhi Quote - China
- Government
- Teaching
- Good
- People
- Moral
Quotes - We
teach that a person must practice only one cultivation way. No matter how you
practice cultivation, you should not mess up your cultivation by adding other
Hongzhi Quote - Teaching
- Cultivation
- Commitment
- Warning
Quotes - I
have men in my life. I have a brother. So Maddox will have male teachers. I was
raised without a father.
Jolie Quote - Men
- Life
- Father
- Teaching
Quotes - Everyone
and everything around you is your teacher.
Keyes, Jr Quote - Awareness
- Teaching
- Wise
Quotes - So,
realizing that we cannot be slaves to experts, to teachers, to philosophers, to
those people who say they have found God and who seemingly make life very simple,
we should beware of them.
Krishnamurti Quotes - Realization
- Expert
- Teaching
- Philosophy
- People
- Life
- Simple
Quotes - We
need to teach people that the environment has a direct bearing on our own benefit.
Lama Quotes - Teaching
- People
- Environmental
- Beneficial
Quotes - There
is truly a gospel in all this, teaching us never to forget that though the outer
side of life may seem dull and heavy, there is always the Divine fire glowing
Leadbeater Quote - Teaching
- Life
- Divine
Quotes - I
would go out into the desert. The desert was my teacher. I didn't know about gurus
and wise peopleI wasn't a reader.
Katie Quote - Teaching
- Guru
- People
Quotes - I
didn't want them to give their power away to me, either. I don't like to call
it teaching. I like to call it sharing what I have learned.
Maclaine Quote - Giving
- Power
- Teaching
- Sharing
Quotes - One
of the things my parents taught me, and I'll always be grateful for the gift,
is to not ever let anybody else define me.
Wilma Mankiller Quote - Parent
- Teaching
- Grateful
- Defining
Quotes - When
I came to the West, I realized there was much hunger for spiritual teachings,
but no environment for spirituality.
Rinpoche Quote - Realization
- Spiritual
- Teaching
- Environmental
Quotes - There
are four principles we really taught: to live passionately, love completely, learn
humbly and then lead boldly.
Shook Quote - Principle
- Teaching
- Living
- Passionate
- Love
- Complete Learning
- Humble
- Bold
Quotes - If
you're going to have a male dominant system, to maintain the system, you have
to teach men to dominate.
Gloria Steinem Quote - Men
- Domination
- System
- Teaching
Quotes - Men
need only trust in Christ's teaching and obey it, and there will be peace on earth.
Leo Tolstoy
Quote - Men
- Jesus
- Teaching
- Peace
- Earth
Quotes - I
went through two schools of acting but I learned more about acting from meditating
and from my marshall arts teacher.
Whitaker Quote - Meditation
- Acting
- Learning
- Teaching
Quotes - My
ambition really was, even as a child, to be a writer, a commentator, and a teacher,
but a teacher of Talmud.
Wiesel Quote - Ambitious
- Teaching
- Desire
Quotes - Therefore,
all my adult life, since I began my life as an author, or as a teacher, I always
try to listen to the victim.
Wiesel Quote - Life
- Teaching
- Victim - Muhammad
teaches us the knowledge of our own selves, and of our own people. He cleans us
up--morally, mentally and spiritually
X Quote - Muhammad
- Teaching
- Knowledgeable
- People
- Moral
Quotes - I
who have set my heart on watching over the soul, in union with Good Thought, and
as knowing the rewards of Mazda Ahura for our works, will, while I have power
and strength, teach men to seek after Right. I have become an alien in a foreign
Quote - Heart
- Soul
- Good
- Thought
- Rewarding
- Power
- Strong Teaching
- Seeking
- Alien
- Foreign
Quotes - The
teacher of evil destroys the lore, he by his teaching destroys the design of life,
he prevents the possession of Good Thought from being prized. These words of my
spirit I wail unto you, O Mazda, and to the Right.
Quote - Teaching
- Evil
- Destroying
- Life
- Good
- Thought
- Spirit
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