Famous Quotes about Seeking
Collection of famous quotes about seeking by spiritual teachers and notable figures
from history. Seeking includes quotes about someone who seeks, seek and sought.
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Seeking Quotes - Do
not direct all your energies towards seeking pleasure but rather towards a sublime
ideal. Your energies will then serve you and contribute to the realisation of
your goal or ideal.
Aivanhov Quote - Energy
- Seeking
- Contributing
- Realization
Quotes - Against
such threats as these, no nation can make itself secure by seeking supremacy over
all others.
Annan Quote - Secure
- National
- Seeking
- Supreme
Quotes - There
are three components to that purpose, one is to find out who you really are, to
discover God, the second is to serve other human beings.
Chopra Quote - Purpose
- Seeking
- Discovering
- God
- Service
Quotes - We
can choose to do this individually, by seeking truth and living our lives with
as much integrity as possible.
Corrigan Quote - Choosing
- Individual
- Seeking
- Truth
- Life
Quotes - To
seek God by rituals is to get the ritual and lose God in the process, for he hides
behind it.
Eckhart Quote - Seeking
- God
- Ritual
Quotes - Those
who seek to become immortals must regard loyalty, filiality, peacefulness, obedience,
benevolence and trustworthiness as fundamental.
Hong Quote - Seeking
- Loyal
- Peace
- Trust
Quotes - We
should seek simplicity, but in that very search we should be aware of the many
illusions and delusions.
Krishnamurti Quotes - Seeking
- Simple
- Awareness
- illusion
- Delusion
Quotes -
The man who seeks God, or what you will, through belief which he calls religion,
only creates opposition, bringing about separation.
Krishnamurti Quotes - Men
- Seeking
- God
- Belief
- Religion
- Opposition Separation
Quotes - Ask,
and it will be given you;Seek, and you will find;Knock, and it will be opened
to you.
Quote - Giving
- Seeking
Quotes - Anger
is a destructive emotion which is based on arrogance. This is why one must find
the cause and counteract it.
Lama Quotes - Anger
- Destructive
- Emotion
- Arrogant
- Seeking
Quotes - The
moment you drop the search, you drop the ego also.
Quote - Seeking
- Wise
- Ego Quotes - But
I was born and brought up a Christian and I didn't see a point in looking for
anything else. There was plenty there if you wanted to look for it.
Philip Quote - Christian
- Seeking
- Satisfied
Quotes - But
it wasn't sudden, you know, because if you had listened to my songs and if you
actually followed my path, I was always searching.
Stevens Quote - Seeking
- Music
Quotes - If
you’re seeking more knowledge you’re seeking a better understanding
of people.
Uma Thurman Quote - Seeking
- Knowledge
- People
- Understanding
Quotes - Harmony
with nature will bring you a happiness known to few city dwellers. In the company
of other truth seekers it will be easier for you to meditate and think of God.
Yogananda Quote - Harmony
- Nature
- Happy
- Truth
- Meditation
- God Quotes - I
who have set my heart on watching over the soul, in union with Good Thought, and
as knowing the rewards of Mazda Ahura for our works, will, while I have power
and strength, teach men to seek after Right. I have become an alien in a foreign
Quote - Heart
- Soul
- Good
- Thought
- Rewarding
- Power
- Strong Teaching
- Seeking
- Alien
- Foreign
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