Famous Knowing Quotes
A listing of quotes about knowing by famous people and notable figures
from history. Knowing includes quotes about known, know, knows and knew.
Ascension Gateway> Famous
Quotes> Subject>
Knowing Quotes - A
black person grows up in this country -- and in many places -- knowing that racism
will be as familiar as salt to the tongue.
Maya Angelou Quote - Country
- Knowing
- Deep
- Racism
Quotes - I
only know that I am alive and there is something that manifests in my life, that
it is God and one day I am going to understand my life, probably in the day that
I die.
Coelho Quote - Knowing
- Manifestation
- Life
- God
- Understanding
Quotes - If
you know enough about poverty and its hopelessness, you totally understand why
people are cutting down trees and setting snares.
Jane Goodall Quote - Knowing
- Poverty
- Hopelessness
- Understanding
- Survival People
Quotes - Manifestation
is showing a presence -- when conditions are sufficient, something manifests itself.
Thich Nhat
Hanh Quotes - Manifestation
- Knowing
Quotes - If
we know how to create the energy of love, understanding, compassion, and beauty,
then we can contribute a lot to the world.
Nhat Hanh Quotes - Knowing
- Create
- Energy
- Understanding
- Compassion Beauty
- Contributing
- World
Quotes - I
don't get grossed out when I see death or blood. I can see that it was a person
and they're just passed away.
Jolie Quote - Death
- Knowing
Quotes - I
know that I'm the kind of person that likes that kind of movie, and I don't go
to movies.
Jolie Quote - Knowing
Quotes - Movie
Quotes - Even
with my sense of Christianity, to tell you frankly, I want to know the truth.
I am not sure I can forgive.
Graca Machel Quote - Christian
- Frank
- Knowing
- Truth
- Forgiveness
Quotes - Enlightenment
is finding that there is nothing to find. Enlightenment is to come to know that
there is nowhere to go.
Quote - Enlightenment
- Knowing
- Deep
Quotes - Faith
in the divine and faith in one's faith. You know everything is being protected,
and everything is being taken care of.
Sri Ravi Shankar Quote - Faith
- Protection
- Divine
- Knowing
Quotes - I
always knew I wanted to sing and would make whatever commitments were necessary.
Small Quote - Knowing
- Singing
- Commitment
- Necessary
Quotes - I
know that at the core of each religion there is the truth, heavily obscured in
some cases, but it's there.
Tolle Quote - Knowing
- Religion
- Truth
- Awareness
Quotes - Love
is big. Love can hold anger, love can even hold hatred. I mean, you know, it's
all—it's all love.
Alice Walker Quote - Love
- Anger
- Hate
- Knowing
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