Famous Quotes about Giving
Collection of famous quotes about giving by spiritual teachers and notable figures
from history. Giving includes quotes about given, gives, giver and give.
Ascension Gateway> Famous
Quotes> Subject>
Giving Quotes - We
have to give our fellow citizens, not only within each nation but in the global
community, at least a chance to share in our prosperity.
Annan Quote - Giving
- Citizen
- National
- Global
- Community Chance
- Sharing
- Prosperity
Quotes - The
idea that the Lord had given us a present, that the world is a gift from God...
well, the amount of stuff, back then, that the Lord was giving away was limited.
We do not have dominion.
Attenborough Quote - God
- Present
- World
- Giving
- Limited
Quotes - We
did it with the intention of pushing their buttons, to counter their, what we
thought were shocking tactics, by giving them a taste of their own medicine.
Bari Quote - Intention
- Thought
- Shocking
- Giving
Quotes - I
think the importance of doing activist work is precisely because it allows you
to give back.
Davis Quote - Important
- Activist
- Giving
Quotes - I
think the great livers, the people who are fully self-actualizing and alive, are
the great givers.
Victor Hansen Quote - Great
- People
- Giving
- Positive
Quotes - Ask,
and it will be given you;Seek, and you will find;Knock, and it will be opened
to you.
Quote - Giving
- Seeking
Quotes - We’ve
had the dream of seeing our nations free and giving opportunities to every single
Graca Machel Quote - Dream
- Freedom
- Giving
- Opportunity
- Citizen
Quotes - I
didn't want them to give their power away to me, either. I don't like to call
it teaching. I like to call it sharing what I have learned.
Maclaine Quote - Giving
- Power
- Teaching
- Sharing
Learning Quotes - I
try to acknowledge that by giving back something to those to whom luck has been
Newman Quote - Acknowledging
- Giving
- Contributing
Quotes - That's
half the delight of it. And the royalties that I get from the business and the
profits after charity I can give away.
Newman Quote - Delightful
- Business
- Profit
- Charity
- Giving
Quotes - Why
not, really, go to the fullest length, and the silliest length, in exploiting
yourself and turn the proceeds back to the community?
Newman Quote - Giving
- Community
- Sharing
Quotes - I
respect generosity in people, and I respect it in companies too, I don’t
look at it as philanthropy; I see it as an investment in the community.
Newman Quote - Respect
- Generous
- People
- Giving
- Community
Quotes - I
just believe you can't give God something without God giving you more in return,
whether its peace or joy or satisfaction.
Osteen Quotes - Belief
- Giving
- Peace
- Joy
- Satisfied
Quotes - You
know, so he bought it and gave it to me as a gift. And that was really the beginning
of my discovery of Islam.
Stevens Quote - Giving
- Change
- Islamic
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