Famous Child Quotes
A listing of quotes about children by spiritual teachers and notable people from
history. Child includes quotes about children and childish behavior.
Ascension Gateway> Famous
Quotes> Subject>
Children Quotes - Every
day that we do nothing, or too little, imposes higher costs on our children and
our children's children.
Annan Quote - Imposing
- Economic
- Child
Quotes - We
want the peace of the brave for our children and for their children, for a bright
future where they can live and learn.
Arafat Quote - Peace
- Brave
- Child
- Bright
- Future
- Life
- Learning
Quotes - Values
are most important. Democratic values have to be instilled from childhood and
the child sees at an early stage in life in every situation in society.
Ela Bhatt Quote - Value
- Important
- Democratic
- Childhood
- Society
- Life
Quotes - You
can ban gay marriage, but if you’re going to make it fair, then you have
to ban marriage for everybody else who won’t produce children.
Baldwin Quote - Gay
- Marriage
- Child
Quotes - The
years of early childhood are the time to prepare the soil.
Carson Quote - Child
- Time
- Guidance
Quotes - It
is more important to pave the way for the child to want to know than to put him
on a diet of facts.
Carson Quote - Important
- Child
- Knowledge
- Guidance
Quotes - I
realized there are a lot of young children in schools in the younger generation
that are really trying to make a difference, but there needs to be a lot more
of that.
Sheila Watt-Cloutier Quote - Realization
- Child
- Generation
- Different
Quotes - For
a long time I’d been thinking I was going to get old along with my audience.
Now, however, I’m hearing rumblings from the high school kids.
Ram Dass Quotes
- Time
- Thinking
- Old
- Child
Quotes - This
is indeed the traditional way in which witchcraft was spread and preserved, the
children of witch families were taught by their parents.
Gardner Quote - Traditional
- Witchcraft
- Preserved
- Child
- Witch
- Teaching
- Parent
Quotes - You
have to learn how to help a wounded child while still practicing mindful breathing.
Thich Nhat
Hanh Quote - Learning
- Child
- Mindful
- Breathing
Quotes - I
had never held a baby in my life. I was one of those women -- people would say,
"Do you want to hold my baby?" and I was like "No ... "
Jolie Quote - Life
- Women
- Child
Quotes - I
believe the only people that should be around a child and raising a child are
people who absolutely, 100 percent love that child.
Jolie Quote - Love
- Child
- Belief
- People
Quotes - Everybody
think that people like me don’t have time for themselves, but I am not this
kind of person.I spend a lot time with my children.
Jolie Quote - People
- Time
- Children
Quotes - The
best way to heal children of conflict from trauma is to have them focus on their
Jolie Quote - Healing
- Child
- Focused
- Future
Quotes - Every
child has a right to education and conflict is not a reason to ignore that.
Jolie Quote - Child
- Education
- Conflict
Quotes - I
definitely want the kids to see it when they're older. Not a lot of people get
to see a movie where their parents fell in love!"
Jolie Quote - Child
- Old
- People
- Movie
- Parent
- Love
Quotes - I
feel great, albeit a little sleep deprived! I run around with all these kids so
it's pretty busy. But I feel great and I'm very happy that they're healthy.
Jolie Quote - Feeling
- Child
- Busy
- Great
- Health
Quotes - Of
course couple time is important, but we've grown to love the chaos of six kids
and the fact that you can never stop being mommy and daddy.
Jolie Quote - Time
- Relationship
- Important
- Children
- Mother Father
Quotes - That
a little child will lead us back to the child we will always be, vulnerable and
wanting and hurting for love and for beauty.
Jordan Quote - Child
- Vulnerable
- Hurtful
- Love
Quotes - As
an African American child growing up in the segregated South, I was told, one
way or another, almost every day of my life, that I wasn't as good as a white
Coretta Scott King Quote - African
American - Child
- Life
- Good
- Racist
Quotes - Mostly,
our children will resemble our own misery and spite and anger, because we give
them no choice about it.
Jordan Quote - Child
- Misery
- Spiteful
- Anger
Quotes - No,
there is nothing I can’t live without. I learned this attitude when I was
a child.
Lama Quotes - Learning
- Attitude
- Child
Quotes -
As kids we were all opposed to folk songs because they were so middle-class.
John Lennon
Quote - Children
- Opposition
- Song
Quotes - I
found I was having continually to please the sort of people I’d always hated
when I was a child.
Lennon Quote - People
- Hate
- Child
Quotes - I
think the Harry books are actually very moral, but some people just object to
witchcraft being mentioned in a children's book.
K. Rowling Quote - Thinking
- Moral
- People
- Object
- Witchcraft Child
Quotes - Already,
the wealthy give their children enormous advantages in succeeding in life, but
the advantages are such that the idea of equality of opportunity still lingers.
Singer Quote - Wealth
- Child
- Succeeding
- Life
- Equality
- Opportunity
Quotes - Well,
we need to stop raising boys to think that they need to prove their masculinity
by being controlling or by not showing emotion or by not being little girls.
Gloria Steinem Quote - Child
- Proven
- Masculine
- Control
- Emotional
Quotes - I
don’t think I’m yet peaceful because I have to struggle every day within
myself when I see the suffering of the people of the world, the women and the
Williams Quote - Peace
- Struggle
- Suffering
- People
- World
- Women Child
Quotes - You
know, since I was a child, I wondered about the meaning of life.
Williams Quote - Child
- Wondering
- Meaningful
- Life
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