Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner, was born on the 25th of February, 1861
and died on the 30th of March, 1925. Rudolf Steiner was born in Donji Kraljevec,
Croatia. Published books by Rudolf Steiner include "Intuitive thinking
as a spiritual path", "Mysticism at the Dawn of Modern Age", "The
Story of my Life ", and "An Outline of Esoteric Science".
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Rudolf Steiner Quotes
- The occultist sees in the man of today a being in the full swing of evolution.
Man is at the same time a fallen God and a God in the becoming.
Steiner Quote - Our communion with this inner world is not
through contemplation but through books. We have passed from intuition into intellectualism.
Steiner Quote - A body, in effect, is only part and parcel of another
body, but the self, the I of man exists in and by itself alone
I am I.
Steiner Quote - Love extends beyond the bounds of family to all human
beings and is changed into vivifying, creative, transmuting power.
Steiner Quote - And what is Theosophy? A knowledge of God which blossoms
like a flower in the depths of the individual soul. God, having vanished from
the world, is reborn in the depths of the human heart.
Steiner Quote - We learn through all our experiences and they enrich
our store of knowledge. But in order that man may learn on the Earth, he must
be allured by, [or] involved in enjoyment.
Steiner Quote - Knowledge of life in the astral world leads us to a
conclusion of fundamental importance, namely that the physical world is the product
of the astral world.
Steiner Quote - Materialism has cast man into such depths that a mighty
concentration of forces is necessary to raise him again. He is subject to illnesses
of the nervous system which are veritable epidemics of the life of the soul.
Steiner Quote See
also: Authors,
Leaders, Famous
Croatians, Famous
Mystics Spiritual
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Inspirational Quotes> Famous Rudolf Steiner Quotes