Peter Garrett Peter Garrett, was born on the 16th of April 1953. Peter
Garrett was born in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Albums released
by Peter Garrett and Midnight Oil include "Diesel and Dust", "Blue
Sky Mining", "The Real Thing", and "Head Injuries".
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Peter Garrett Quotes
- I said the automatic expansion
of the coal industry is a thing of the past, but we can have a sustainable coal
industry and it means investing in clean coal technologies.
Garrett Quote - My
very strong view is that we need to use all the suite of energy sources that we
have which we think will actually deliver greenhouse gas emission reductions now.
Garrett Quote -
Let's look at the fact that for the foreseeable future we will be securing some
of our energy supplies from using coal.
Garrett Quote - Australia
is in a fantastic position to actually lead the world in this investment, to actually
show the way if you like by not only cleaning up our act here but also developing
those technologies that will be so necessary in other parts of the world.
Garrett Quote -
We need to have a mandatory renewable energy target that is a decent size.
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Peter Garrett
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Celebrities, Famous
Australians, Famous
Activists, Famous
Men Famous
People Born in April, Famous
Aries, Famous
Activists, Famus
Environmentalists Famous
People Born in the 1950s, Famous
People Born in the Year of the Snake Famous
Politicians, Famous
Musicians, Famous
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Quotes> Famous Quotes from Peter Garrett