Born Michel de Nostredame, Nostradamus was born on the 14 December 1503 or 21
December 1503 and died on the 2nd of July, 1566.
Nostradamus was born in
Saint-Rémy-de-Provence in the south of France. Published works
by Nostradamus include "The Prophecies" and "The Almanacs".
Ascension Gateway>
Famous Spiritual Quotes>
Prophecies - In the year 1999 and seven months the great king
of terror will come from the sky, he will bring back to life the great king of
the Mongols. Before and after the God of war reigns happily.
Quote - The dredaful war which is prepared in the West, the following
year the pestilence will come, so very dreadful that young nor old nor animal
(will survive). Blood, fire, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in france.
Quote - During a period of continuing unrest, the leader of a Middle
Eastern country will be able to obtain a nuclear weapon.
Nostradamus Quote - The
skeptic community overwhelmingly embraced what they formerly dismissed as] New
Age claptrap ... We give up! The nuts were right.
Nostradamus Quote - European
nations will try to interfere to diminish the threat to oil supplies. When the
European countries try to interfere, the crazed leader will use the rest of his
arsenal on Europe.
Nostradamus Quote - The European Mediterranean
coast, particularly that of Italy and France, will be almost uninhabitable, and
Italy will get the brunt.
Nostradamus Quote - A very bright,
previously unknown comet will appear and coincide with the time of great geological
troubles, with earthquakes and volcanoes erupting and disrupting weather systems.
Nostradamus Quote - The United States in particular will be
subject to serious natural disasters, particularly earthquakes and flooding, and
flatten the nation from end to end.
Nostradamus Quote See
also: Famous
Psychics, Authors,
French People
Guide> Famous
Inspirational Quotes> Famous Nostradamus Predictions