Michael Moore
Michael Francis Moore, was born on the 23rd of April 1954. Michael Moore
was born in Flint, Michigan, in the United States of America.
Published books by Michael Moore include "Adventures In A TV Nation",
"Dude, Where's My Country?", "Will They Ever Trust Us Again?",
and "The Official Fahrenheit 9/11 Reader".
Documentaries by Michael Moore include "Sicko", "Fahrenheit
9/11", "Bowling for Columbine", and "The Big One".
See also: Authors,
Americans, Famous
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Michael Moore
- I wanted to say
something much larger about how society is manipulated by politicians
and corporations into being in a constant state of panic and fear.
Moore Quote
- It's almost in our DNA now: we're raised with the manifest destiny,
the belief, that we have the right to resolve our conflicts through
Moore Quote
- Since 9/11, the
Bush administration has used that tragic event as a justification to
rip up our constitution and our civil liberties.
Moore Quote
- I am truly optimistic,
because when people are given the information and given leaders who
will truly lead and have the courage of their convictions, the majority
will go with them.
Moore Quote
- Instead of creating a feeling of, 'Ooh, I've made it, let's go sailing',
in my conscience it forces me to a place where I feel I have to work
harder and do more to make things better.
Moore Quote
- The worst thing that we can do right now is to censor. The worst thing
to do is alter the way we believe. We are here in a free society.
Moore Quote
- Of course, saying that Saddam had something to do with 9-11, this
was genius, because the American people bought it. They actually believed
it. It worked.
Moore Quote
- People are angry.
The economy is not good. They were lied to about Iraq. I mean, theres
an angry electorate out there, and theyre in the mood to get rid
of these people, especially the professional politicians.
Moore Quote
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Inspirational Quotes> Famous Michael Moore Quotes