Annan Kofi Atta Annan, was born on the 8th of April, 1938. Kofi Annan
was born in Kumasi, Ghana.
Annan was the Secretary-general of the United Nations for ten years. In 2001 he
was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
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Famous Spiritual Quotes>
Kofi Annan Quotes
- When you leave one home
for another, there are always lessons to be learnt.
Annan Quote - Learning
- Change
- My
first lesson is that, in today's world, the security of every one of us is linked
to that of everyone else.
Annan Quote - Lesson
- World
- Security
- Essential
- Against
such threats as these, no nation can make itself secure by seeking supremacy over
all others.
Annan Quote - Secure
- National
- Seeking
- Supreme
Quotes - It
also includes our shared responsibility to protect populations from genocide,
war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.
Annan Quote - Responsible
- Population
- Genocide
- War
Crimes - Ethnic Crime
Quotes - Humanity
- Every
day that we do nothing, or too little, imposes higher costs on our children and
our children's children.
Annan Quote - Imposing
- Economic
- Child
Quotes - We
have to give our fellow citizens, not only within each nation but in the global
community, at least a chance to share in our prosperity.
Annan Quote - Giving
- Citizen
- National
- Global
- Community Chance
- Sharing
- Prosperity
Quotes See
also: Famous
Ghanaian People, Famous
Men, Famous
People Born in April Famous
Arians, Nobel
Peace Prize Winners, Famous
Activists, Human
Rights Activists Famous
Black People, Famous
Black Men
Guide> Famous
Inspirational Quotes> Famous Kofi Annan Quotes