Kingston Kenny Kingston is known around the world as the 'psychic to the
stars. For years now, Kenny has been at the fore front of psychic phenomena.
Published spiritual books by Kenny Kingston include "Making Your Goals
a Reality", "I Still Talk to...." and " Past Lives and Soul
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Famous Spiritual Quotes>
Kingston Quotes - Yes, and you can do this through meditation.
What is mediation? Meditation is listening to God, just as praying is talking
to Him.
Kenny Kingston Quote - If you keep psychic abilities
on for your own gain that would be abusing them and I try not to abuse.
Kingston Quote - How did I become famous? I was too stupid to accept
the word 'no!'
Kenny Kingston Quote - Here's what I believe.
If you want a Jaguar there's no reason you can't have one.
Kenny Kingston
Quote - As long as you're grateful to the Master and you give to charity,
you can have whatever your heart desires.
Kenny Kingston Quote - Well,
everybody's an angel. When your mother passes over to the other side she'll be
an angel.
Kenny Kingston Quote - An angel is just an emissary
of God, are they not?
Kenny Kingston Quote - People on the earth
plane will stab us in the back whereas those on the other side will stand by us
Kenny Kingston Quote See also: Famous
Psychics, Authors,
American People, Famous
Spiritual People, Famous
New Age People, Psychic
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