Joseph Goldstein Joseph Goldstein, was born in 1944. Joseph Goldstein
was born in Catskill mountains of New York, in the United States of America.
Published books by Joseph Goldstein include "The Experience of Insight",
"Insight Meditation", and "One Dharma".
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Joseph Goldstein Quotes
- It feels to me like
we're in such a privileged time in terms of the availability of the dharma and
the availability of practice. We never know when conditions might change.
Goldstein Quote - Time - Meditation - Change Quotes - There
are many ways in which we cling: attachment or reaction or judgment or aversion
or whatever.
Goldstein Quote - Attachment - Judgment - Reaction Quotes - For most
of us, the state we're in most of the time is distraction.
Goldstein Quote - Time - Distraction Quotes - We need to distinguish
the natural state of awareness from what is perhaps our more normal state of distraction.
Goldstein Quote - Nature - Awareness - Distraction Quotes - I like the
image of the mind as a mirror. The mirror has the capacity to reflect precisely
whatever comes before it without any discrimination.
Goldstein Quote - Reflection - Discrimination - Precise Quotes - I genuinely
feel that I know a lot less now than I did twenty years ago. It feels wonderful!
It feels like a letting go of mental constructs.
Goldstein Quote - Genuine - Wonderful - Knowledgeable
Quotes - Until we're fully enlightened, there's ignorance in the mind.
So of necessity a view is going to be skewed.
Goldstein Quote - Enlightened - Necessary Quotes - It's not the right
effort to gain something. It really is the right effort to break the habit of
our identification and fixation, which is very very strong.
Goldstein Quote - Awareness
- Habit - Strong Quotes See also: Religious
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