Joseph Campbell Joseph Campbell, the spiritual and mythology author was
born on the 26th of March, 1904 and died on the 30th of October, 1987. He was
born in New York City in the United States of America. Campbell was a famous spiritual
author and speaker, he became very popular for his study and work on mythology
and comparative religion. Published spiritual books by Joseph Campbell
include "The Hero with a Thousand Faces","The Masks of God",
and "Creative Mythology".
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Famous Spiritual Quotes>
Campbell Quotes - Follow your bliss and don't be afraid,
and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be.
Campbell Quote - - The function of mythological symbols is to
give you a sense of "Aha! Yes. I know what it is, it's myself."
Campbell Quote - - A myth is the dynamic of life. You may or may not
know it, and the myth you may be respectfully worshipping on Sunday may not be
the one that's really working in your heart and the one that's out there in the
view of your religious instructors.
Campbell Quote - - I think one of the problems today is that society
has moved into a multicultural relationship that renders archaic these culture-bounded
mythological systems - like the Christian, the Jewish, the Hindu.
Campbell Quote - - All you can learn is what your own inward life is
and try to stay loyal to that.
Campbell Quote - - The thing I see about the Bible that's unfortunate
is that it's a tribally circumscribed mythology. It deals with a certain people
at a certain time. The Christians magnified it to include them.
Campbell Quote - - No one in the world was ever you before, with your
particular gifts and abilities and possibilities. It's a shame to waste those
by doing what someone else has done.
Campbell Quote - - Christianity isn't moving people's lives today.
What's moving people's lives is the stock market and the baseball scores. What
are people excited about? It's a totally materialistic level that has taken over
the world. There isn't even an ideal that anybody's fighting for.
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