James F. Twyman
James Twyman has become one of the worlds leaders in bringing peace to the
earth. Twyman received his Bachelors degree from Loyola University in 1984,
and a Doctorate in ministry from Agape Seminary in 1997.
Published spiritual books by James Twyman include "Emissary of Light",
"Emissary of Love - The Psychic Children Speak to the World",
"Proposing Tree: A Love Story", and "Prayer of St.
See also: Famous
Entertainers, Activists,
Ascension Gateway>
Famous Spiritual Quotes>
James F. Twyman
- I believe that
each and every human being on Earth has both the responsibility and
the privilege of viewing themselves as Divine beings with the power
to bring about peace.
James Twyman Quote
- I am just an average
human being, neither better nor worse than most, no holier, no more
special than you or the person next door.
James Twyman Quote
- That's why it was
me, so that every individual can accept himself or herself as an emissary
of light and see that there is no need to give their power away to any
teacher or guru.
James Twyman Quote
- It is the people
of the world, praying and meditating together who can influence events.
James Twyman Quote
- But we are all
learning to live in a way that reflects what we believe, and probably
making a few mistakes along the way.
James Twyman Quote
- Still, we have
to keep trying... keep preparing to step into the Light. I know that
is your goal, and it is mine as well. In this we are the same.
James Twyman Quote
- This is a very
crucial time in the evolution of humanity toward a much higher consciousness,
and some teachings will support that progress while others will not.
James Twyman Quote
- My goal is to
help you understand what is "really" happening, the long energetic
history that is just now being revealed. Then we will have the power
to change things from the source, and the world itself will change.
James Twyman Quote
Spiritual Guide> Famous
Inspirational Quotes> Famous James Twyman Quotations