
George Harrison
George Harrison was born on the 25th of February, 1943 and died on the 29th
of November, 2001. George Harrison was born in Liverpool, England.
Famous songs and albums produced and written by George Harrison include
"My Sweet Lord", "All Things Must Pass" and "Here
Comes the Sun."
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George Harrison
- The material world is like the physical world, as opposed to the spiritual.
For me, living in the material world just meant being in this physical
body with all the things that go along with it.
Harrison Quote -
- The whole thing
of being Beatles-- it was very heavy on us four.
Harrison Quote -
- It's good to boogie once and a while, but when you boogie all your
life away it's just a waste of life and of what we've been given. I
can get high like the rest of them, but it's actually low.
Harrison Quote -
- The more dope you
take, the lower you get, really. Having done that, I can say that from
experience. Whatever it is-- you just need more, and the more you take
the worse you get.
Harrison Quote -
- But basically we all want love, that's what I feel. And all love is
really God's love.
Harrison Quote -
- So, when you look at a tree, it's really a reflection of God. You
see it in other people that's him too, you know?
Harrison Quote -
- I think the main
thing that we have to do is try and train ourselves to remember from
moment to moment that God is living within us and within everybody else,
and just trying to remember to see that.
Harrison Quote -
- I was brought up
in the kind of Catholic situation up until I was about eleven years
old, which was that God is this thing that we're never going to see,
we're never going to meet, but you still have to believe in what we
Harrison Quote -
- I think the first thing is that people have to have the desire within
themselves to find out who they are. Who am I and what am I doing here
and where am I going?
Harrison Quote -
- Basically, I feel
pleased to have discovered this thing that's inside me, that's connected
to the same thing that's inside everybody and everything.
Harrison Quote -
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People Born in February
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