Barack Obama
Barack Hussein Obama II, was born on the 4th of August, 1961. Barack Obama
was born in Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children in Honolulu,
Hawaii in the United States of America.
Barack Obama is married to Michelle
Published books by President Barack Obama include "Dreams from My Father:
A Story of Race and Inheritance", " The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts
on Reclaiming the American Dream", "Barack Obama in His Own Words",
and "Barack Obama: What He Believes In - From His Own Works."
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Famous Spiritual Quotes>
Obama Quotations
- Oil single-handedly
fuels 96% of our transportation needs, and it's also critical to the
manufacture of millions of goods and products in this country.
Obama Quote
- As a result, every
single hour we spend $18 million on foreign oil. It doesn't matter if
these countries are budding democracies, despotic regimes, or havens
for the madrassas that plant the seeds of terror in young minds - they
get our money because we need their oil.
Obama Quote
- In fact, reports
of a $100 billion oil deal between Iran and China were soon followed
by China's refusal to press for sanctions against Iran over its nuclear
Obama Quote
- A former CIA agent
tells us that if terrorists ever succeeded in destroying an entire oil
complex, it could take enough oil off the market to cause economic catastrophe
in the United States.
Obama Quote
- Our enemies are
fully aware that they can use oil as a weapon against America.
Obama Quote
- If we hope to strengthen
our security and control our own foreign policy, we can offer no less
of a commitment to energy independence.
Obama Quote
- America's dependence
on oil is a major threat to our national security, and the American
people deserve a bold commitment that has the full force of their government
behind it.
Obama Quote
- Automakers need
to get serious about shifting their technology to greater fuel-efficiency,
consumers need to get serious about buying hybrid cars.
Obama Quote
- Countries like
Japan are creating jobs and slowing oil consumption by churning out
and buying millions of fuel-efficient cars.
Obama Quote
Next: Quotes
from Obama
Barack Obama
See also: Barack
Obama Bio, Famous
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People Born in August
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Inspirational Quotes> Famous Barack Obama Quotes