Barack Obama
Barack Hussein Obama II, was born on the 4th of August, 1961. Barack Obama
was born in Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children in Honolulu,
Hawaii in the United States of America.
Barack Obama is married to Michelle
Published books by President Barack Obama include "Dreams from My Father:
A Story of Race and Inheritance", " The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts
on Reclaiming the American Dream", "Barack Obama in His Own Words",
and "Barack Obama: What He Believes In - From His Own Works."
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Famous Spiritual Quotes>
Barack Obama Quotations
- And that's why
all nations must now accept their share of responsibility for transforming
the way that we use energy.
Obama Quotes
- We can't allow
the differences between peoples to define the way that we see one another,
and that's why we must pursue a new beginning among people.
Obama Quotes
- We must all do
our part to resolve those conflicts that have caused so much pain and
hardship over so many years, and that effort must include an unwavering
commitment that finally realizes that the rights of all Israelis and
Palestinians to live in peace and security in nations of their own.
Obama Quotes
- We can't accept
a world in which more people are denied opportunity and dignity that
all people yearn for.
Obama Quotes
- I am the Commander-in-Chief
of a country that's responsible for ending a war and working in another
theater to confront a ruthless adversary that directly threatens the
American people.
Obama Quotes
- I'm also aware
that we are dealing with the impact of a global economic crisis that
has left millions of Americans looking for work.
Obama Quotes
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Obama Bio, Famous
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Nobel Peace Prize Winners
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Inspirational Quotes> Famous President Barack Obama Quotes