Anthony de Mello Anthony de Mello, was a Jesuit priest and psychotherapist,
he became famous for his books on spirituality. He was born in 1931, in Goa, India
and died in 1987 in the United states of America. Published spiritual
books by Anthony de Mello include "Sadhana, A way to God", "Wellsprings",
"The Song of the
Bird", "Awareness", and "Contact with God".
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Anthony de Mello Quotes
- As soon as you look at
the world through an ideology you are finished. No reality fits an ideology. Life
is beyond that. That is why people are always searching for a meaning to life
Meaning is only found when you go beyond meaning. Life only makes sense when you
perceive it as mystery and it makes no sense to the conceptualizing mind.
de Mello Quotes - It
is a great mystery that though the human heart longs for Truth, in which alone
it finds liberation and delight, the first reaction of human beings to Truth is
one of hostility and fear!
de Mello Quotes - There
is only one cause of unhappiness: the false beliefs you have in your head, beliefs
so widespread, so commonly held, that it never occurs to you to question them.
de Mello Quotes - As
you identify less and less with the "me", you will be more at ease with
everybody and with everything. Do you know why? Because you are no longer afraid
of being hurt or not liked. You no longer desire to impress anyone. Can you imagine
the relief when you don't have to impress anybody anymore? Oh, what a relief.
Happiness at last!
de Mello Quotes - Wisdom
tends to grow in proportion to one's awareness of one's ignorance.
de Mello Quotes -
Suffering points out that there is falsehood somewhere. Suffering occurs when
you clash with reality. When your illusions clash with reality when your falsehoods
clash with the truth, then you have suffering. Otherwise there is no suffering.
de Mello Quotes - People
who want a cure, provided they can have it without pain, are like those who favour
progress, provided they can have it without change.
de Mello Quotes
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de Mello Quotations See also: Authors,
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