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Psychic Hotno Psychic channeller that channelles your spirit to help you
better understand your life's path including relationships, career, home and talents.
Hotno loves to give personal one on one readings at her beautiful lakeside house
or you can contact her via the telephone or by email.
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Hotno - Information Psychic listed in Canadian
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Online Psychics - Spirit
over twenty years as a professional psychic channeller, Hotno has become very
popular throughout Canada. She has hosted her own TV programme called 'Spirit
Dance' where she guided the audience through the meditative process, that each
Channel his/her own truth and talents. Hotno offers healing sessions to
align your mind, body and spirit at her home. She also gives spiritual counseling,
holds workshops and retreats. She is spiritual artist that paints Life Seal
Paintings and Paintings for the emerging New Root Race. The later are paintings
which give a person an understanding of their soul's evolving pattern in the earth.
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