O, Bonquet of Colours by Ryan Jacobs |
Bonquet of Colours Poem by Ryan Jacobs
Collection of inspirational poems submitted by the poet Ryan Jacobs. Share your poetry with us here. See more: Spiritual Poems, Inspirational Poems Ascension Gateway> Poems> Poets> Ryan Jacobs> O, Bonquet of Colours O, Bonquet of Colours Stunning revival- the air brushed love upon delicate skin relishing atop the highest branch am I a monkey whom scrabbles from one unto the next? The emerald evergreen pines that hide from eyesight blended, they bask before an ivory skyline transcending vibrant shapes piercing through clouds pouring forever more across ocean mounted the shore Such a strength! Roots that quench for droplets from rain cloud lips misty eyes gaze into this lucid world dissent; so fourth our amble swing preludes thy topekian sun rays march of misguided soliders play platforms of drum beats alongside a teal equilibrium saturated by those ever present needles levitate through emotion as you touch invisible light.