Merry Christmas - The Reflection
Aloha to you all, a merry Christmas and a happy new year, to you and all of your loved ones. It's that time again, when the big fat fella in the red suit , comes down your chimney and maybe gives you a present or two.
Boy does life sail by in a flurry, I remember if it was only yesterday, writing and article in India, wishing you all a merry Christmas, It feels like only yesterday. Well what a year it's been, there's not been to many people, that I've talked to over the past few weeks that have commented on, what a huge year it's been.
Looking back on it, it's been an amazing year of growth and understanding for myself and I guess for alot of people. Some of it seems a lifetime ago and some of it seems only yesterday.
Reflecting on it on a deeper level for myself, the year 2007 was all about healing wounds around my childhood or patterns if you like. As well as understanding on a deeper level about relationships with myself first and foremost, then partners and everyone else that has come into my life over the past year.
Since arriving back in Byron I've been fully aware and conscious of when ever someone comes into my space to really be present and know that they have a gift of some sort for me, in the words that they speak. Its been such a wonderful thing to be experiencing. There hasn't been a single person that hasn't offered me a gift yet and I know that by thanking them straight away, when I realise the whole reason that they have connected with me, I hope they to can take something from me. This whole universe is all about giving and receiving and all levels, in all situations and it's going on all the time, JUST BE AWARE.
I realised once I arrived in Byron, why I lived on the Sunshine Coast, a place that I never wanted to live. The main gift the universe was presenting me was to once and for all release my fear and anger I had, regarding my childhood. Months ago it occurred to me, that the main reason that I was again living near my mother and father was simply to heal things from my childhood with them. I believe most adults are walking around still carrying their childhood wounds, still playing out their childhood patterns. Most people, most of the time, in most situations come from childhood experiences, mainly hurtful ones. They say in the first seven years of a humans life is what shapes us for the rest of our lives. I believe this to be true, although there are exceptions, when a person becomes awake and aware that there's more to life then just, working, eating, sex and sleep.
You see since I was eighteen I've realise on some level that I needed to work through my stuff, surrounding my childhood. That the way I acted and re-acted in my life was a result of my upbringing. So since I was eighteen I've tried it all, from re-birthing, to etherically calling in my father and speaking my truth from my inner child point of view. Now all these things might have worked on some level, but it wasn't until a friend pointed out to me this year that it needs to be done on a physical level, for it to really be cleared.
So a few weeks before i left the Sunny Coast, I finally did it. I sat down with my father and did a few processes. The first one I was guided to do, was to ask him about his upbringing, about his life. You see this is my stepfather and I've known him since I was four years old, in saying that though I never really knew him. I sat him down and said that I've known you for thirty two years dad, but I know nothing of you. How many of you out there know what your parents lives were like, what they experienced as a child, as a teenager, as an adult. Well I tell you now the stories I had in my head about my father were alot different to what he proceeded to tell me.
I was very surprised to say the least of what he had to tell me about his life. There's one huge thing ,that I did learn though and that was, finally getting to know the man who had a big influence in my life. I understood alot more about him and why he acts and reacts the way he does, it was a true blessing. After he had finished I thanked him and then told him that I'd like to do another process with him, regarding my childhood and up bringing. I explained that I didn't want in sorrys or him to feel any guilt, I just want him to listen and that I was going to speak for my inner child to him.
I sat there and explained to him how I felt as a child and that how I have kept alot of pain in me throughout my life. I tell you all now, as I was talking I could feel myself getting lighter and lighter. It's hard to explain, if you can imagine, it was like with every word I spoke, energy was releasing out of my being. I cant stress enough to you all, how freeing it is to release these wounds we carry from our childhood. If you can do it, if your parent or parents are open to this process, go for it, if you love yourself enough, if you want to really let go of your baggage, if you want to be free, then do it.
Even if you cant do the second process, do the first, it's a wonderful gift as an adult to learn about the people that brought you into this world, or the people who raised you. The key is to remember its not a blaming session, try to remain as calm as possible, speak from your heart. The end result of this process for me, was that in my heart I feel I have finally let go of my fears and anger. The other blessing I received is a stronger bond between me and my father and if that's all I got from it, then what a gift that is.
Before I did the process I told some friends what I was going to do, one of my friends is a physiologist. To my surprise when I explained what I wanted to do, she then told me that, from a physiologists point of view, WHEN AN ADULT CAN SIT DOWN AND DO A PROCESS LIKE THIS OR SIMILAR, THEN THEY FINALLY BECOME AN ADULT IN THE TRUER SENSE, WE RELEASE THE PAIN THAT WE CARRY AS A WOUNDED CHILD. When she explained this to me I knew I had to do it, why wouldn't you.
I hope that this may encourage some of you to do the same, again we only have this lifetime, don't leave it till its to late. Be bold in your life, take risks, I believe that's what the universe wants us to do. Experience all you can, because it's only through experience that we can heal and remember who we truly are and that is 'DIVINE SPARKS OF GOD'.
I thank everybody who has been apart of my life this year from my fantastic friends, to my lovers and family , I thank you all from the centre of my heart for playing out your parts so well, for me to remember what's most important in life, 'LOVE'. To all my friends that supported me through the hard times, I am truly blessed to have you in my life.
To all of you who read this, may you be blessed with love, light and laughter of the highest form over this festive season, may all of your lives and paths be showered with joy, ease and grace.
Divine Bliss
Namaste, Aloha and greetings to you all, well what a fantastic life experience I've been having since arriving 'HOME' (Byron Bay). I emphasise the word home, because finally since arriving back from India seven months ago, it feels like home living back in Byron Bay.
Words cannot describe how I feel, if you could see inside my being, my soul would be dancing uncontrollably. My whole being is bursting with joy and happiness, why? because I followed my heart and my guidance. That's all where here for, its what makes our heart sing, if we're follow our heart everything in the universe supports us and nurtures us. Its like a universal law I believe, a bit like karma, what you put out, you get back.
I know for alot of people its hard to just let go, to just follow your heart, your passion, your guidance, but I tell you now 'ITS ALOT HARDER NOT TO, PERIOD'. So I implore you, if your standing at the edge of that cliff, wanting to dive off into the the abyss, into the true river of life, let go, jump and I assure you, you will be caught by the web of life and carried to places that you'd never had dreamed of. There's an old saying that quite a few people use and its one of my favorites 'FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY'.
As you all know when I left the Sunshine coast, I really had nothing to come to when I arrived in Byron. How quickly that changed, I had meet my first angel a few months back, in Sunshine. We are both involved in a fabulous project, its a healing day that a few of us have organised that will be held on the 19th of January. Its called 'Awaken to Joy', we're hoping to get as many people from around the Sunshine coast community to come together in oneness, through many different forms of healing and fun.
I thought a few weeks ago before I came down to Byron I had worked out some short term accommodation, but unfortunately or so I thought at the time it fell through. Again I didn't panic, I just asked my guidance why this had happened, and it simply said 'that there was a better opportunity coming and just relax', so I did. Well at one of the meetings, my new found angel proceeded to let everyone know that she was moving to Byron Bay in the next few weeks(actually it was one week before I was guided to go) well you didn't have to ask me twice, it was so obvious that this angel could help me. So I asked and of course she said 'yes, I'd gladly have you come and stay'. When I arrived that day, I couldn't have felt more at home, more welcomed by this nurturing angel. The place that I was to live for two weeks, was the last place I had lived in Byron before I went to India. Suffolk Park is about two minutes south of the heart of Byron Bay, its a quaint little village right on the ocean, I was about one hundred metres walk from the beach, how blessed was I, living in what I thought, back then, was the best placed I had ever lived in Australia.

Suffolk Park, paradise at my door step.
My friend and I spent some wonderful time together, we could clearly see right away, that we had connected for many reasons, mainly to help each other grow and heal past experiences mostly to do with relationships. In one of our conversations, where we got on to the subject of people following gurus, she said something that I thought was quite ingenious, yet simple at the same time. She said for me to spell out aloud the word guru, well to my surprise the answer is in the word it self, when you say it out aloud 'G,U,R,U', it says it all. I believe we need teachers in our lives to help us to the next level of consciousness, to show us the way, but I don't believe we in this day an age the need to hand over all our power to someone else.
When we allow the universal current to flow through and around us, things come to us, with ease and grace. This was shown to me within the first few days of arriving in Byron. The next angel appeared for me on day two, she had lined me up a job. It was working on a farm, in the hinterland of Byron, I was to pick blueberries. I knew I had at first, take what I could, what was to unfold was such a heart warming experience. The farm is situated in the rolling hills of the Byron Shire, the place where we were picking blueberries had a stream right next to the crop, you could hear the sound of the waterfall all day. The people I worked with, were such beautiful souls, my boss was more like a long lost friend, instead of an employer. So imagine this, standing there picking blueberries, listing to the birds and a majestic waterfall, laughing and chatting with beautiful people(oh and I might add, eating as many delicious blueberries as possible, heaven).
The other thing I noticed was that everyone I ran into, were so glad to see me back, Byron's like a big community of soul family. The unconditional love that flows around this place is such a blessing. The conversation that transpired between just about everyone I connected with again went something like this, 'Hi great to see you, welcome home, are you here for good? they'd say, 'yes for about a year' , 'fantastic, can I have a healing'. Yes everybody said just about the exact same thing. 'Ok' I said to god, 'I get it you want me to do, go back into healing work'. It was so obvious, that the universe wants me to get back into what I love and what I'm good at. This time I'm going to do it a different way, I'm going to set boundaries on how many healings I do a week, instead of trying to help and assist everyone all at once.
My next little test, was that I had to move out of Suffolk Park, I guess, things had run their course, maybe my friend and I had healed and learned what we needed to, and it was time to move on. Without even putting it out there yet, I was presented with my next gift, I found a room in the hills fives minutes from Byron's CBD. Its a small little community, that two of my soul family live at. I took a trip out there, I'd been there twice before, but only ever at night. What a glorious surprise, this place has its own little Shiva Temple, spring water and an energy that makes your heart open up with joy. As you can imagine I took it straight away. Its like living back in India in a way, this time I have my own little Temple.

The greeting sign at the front gate, it says it all in the name.

My accommodation, simple but sweet.

View from my room.

My own Shiva Temple.

Some of the gardens, ahhh the serenity.
I've been here for a week now, I've met some wonderful people and had such wonderful experiences. Which leads me into my next little teaching, 'THE ART OF MANIFESTING'. On the Monday and Tuesday just gone, I had no work, when it rains you cant pick blueberries, so I wasn't needed. I guess this, in the past would have brought up a little bit of fear, about where I was going to get money from. So on Monday evening I sat in meditation and simply placed out to the universe what I would like to have come into my life, 'NOW'. I asked why I hadn't really got a more stable job yet and that if I'm meant to be here then I would like some more support, with financial matters. My higher self just simply said to 'relax', I already have a job. So as I've said in the past, my guidance is all I have now and that I will trust in it, no matter what. After my meditation I was also called on, to ask Ganesh to clear all obstacles in my path that maybe stopping me form getting my ideal job(Ganesh is the destroyer of illusions and obstacles). With that and this is the key, once you've placed out your intention to the universe, simply let it go, this is the crucial part of the whole process of manifesting, to just let it go, knowing and believing with your whole being that it will come to you.
So Tuesday I awoke completely forgetting about what had occurred the night before, by ten o'clock the phone rang to come in and do some work on the farm. Off I went on my merry way, unaware of what was going to transpire later on that day. After I had finished working, if you could call it that. My boss came up to me and said 'that they were really happy with the way I worked and they wanted to give me more work, for example driving tractors'. I was very humbled and of course I said 'yes', thank you god I said to myself as I drove home that afternoon. While I was cooking my dinner, my phone rang, the person on the other end of the line, was an employer that interviewed me a couple of weeks ago, I'd completely forgotten about them. He said 'you've got the job, can you start tomorrow?, well hows that for manifesting, two jobs in one day, I ended up taking the second one after talking to the farmer, at the end he said that I could come back anytime if I ever wanted a job. Some may say its luck, I don't believe in luck at all, what I do wholly and solely believe in now, is the power of following your heart, following your guidance in everything that you do throughout your life and we are truly taken care of if we're open to it.
I wake up with so much excitement to start the day and have so much gratitude when I lay down to sleep. 'LET GO' , take the plunge, its fun in the river of life, its never boring, everything comes to those who risk to follow their heart.

Byron Bay lighthouse, its known throughout Australia, Its the furthest eastern point of Australia.

The endless beaches of Byron.

If you look closely, you can see a pod of dolphins, around the rocks of the lighthouse throughout the year, you can see whales pass by on their migratory journey up the coast. Dolphin and sea turtles are abundant around Byron.

Another beautiful view of the sacred place.