Traveling Australia
I realised fully that it's the people that makes a place and not just the place it's self. Alice reminds me of how most of Australia used to be. I really don't know exactly when it changed(probably after September 11) people became closed and fearful. I remember how it didn't really matter where you went or who you met, Australians were always ready to help in anyway they could. In other words their hearts were more open and helping people was part of Australian culture. I and probably alot of people have certainly noticed a shift in energy around the globe since Barack Obama got elected.
I believe we have finally turned a corner in our evolution. I feel we now have a chance to change our destiny. Whether anyone wants to admit it, America is probably one of the only countries in the world that can influence the whole of humanity. In other words if America can change and go down the road of peace, compassion and understanding, then I feel the rest of the world will follow.

This was taken along the roadside in South Australia, not sure what crop it is, it's everywhere in this area.

I brought a yabbi trap in N.S.W so my friend could see, then taste what a freshwater yabbi tastes like. You just throw them in a pot of boiling water or even better straight on the BBQ. They taste just like a prawn.
This unusual place is a saltwater lake. This lake in particular in Victoria is called the Pink Lake.

We found this Blue tongue lizard near the lake. If theres one thing that's great about Australia
is how easy it is to come across wildlife where ever you go.
We stayed in a national park that was in South Australia. Because it was right at the bottom of Australia in the Southern Ocean, it had a feel as if you were in Scotland(cold, green and breezy) I loved it.
Trying to keep out of the cold wind.

This was taken in a wonderful place called Rapid Bay. I know I haven't been to Scotland
but this whole area felt like Scotland(I must have had a past life in Scotland, it felt so familiar to me, like I'd been there before) I cant wait to actually experience the real thing.
Rapid Bay, in your photo, looks exactly like King Arthur's Seat just outside of Edinburgh in Scotland. You are right, fellow Scottish past-lifer! The resemblance is nearly exact and Scotland is also a renewing, uplifting, wildly wonderful place. Visit soon.
Actually Meg I was just looking a the Findhorn website, I will get there and hopefully this year.
I can imagine what its like, when I tune into it it feels such a freeing place. I've wanted to go since I was a kid.
Many Blessings to you.
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