Thursday, May 25, 2006

Dying for DDT

Kenya are thinking of reintroducing DDT to fight malaria. Its hard to see after all these years the chemical companies haven't come up with something not as dangerous as DDT. I don't claim to know the answer to this one, but I thought it was clear to the world years ago how harmful DDT was to humans and everything else that comes into contact with it. I also know about the malaria epidemic through out the world it seems to be a losing battle. Lets pray that these poor people in these countries get a say on what they want and its just not left up to the governments. I just cant help but think what part these huge chemical companies are playing.
Kenya: Govt At a Crossroads Over Use of DDT
"Almost two decades after the country banned the use of DDT, the Government is under pressure to lift the ban as one of the effective ways of controlling the spread of malaria."
>>Political News